MaxiFicient™ Boost GF in practice: A new way to drive lean gain in fatteners

In brief:

  • Rearing modern fattening swine requires precise nutritional strategies that optimize the post-absorptive allocation of nutrients promoting lean muscle growth
  • These strategies need to consider the higher amino acid requirement of modern fatteners as well as ensuring adequate and balanced phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) availability (alongside classical requirements of energy). They must also deliver on sustainability and animal welfare goals
  • Vitamin D3, in the form of 25-OH-D3, is a nutrient that can be useful, on top of phytase, for enhancing skeletal growth and performance of piglets and fatteners, via supplementation to sows or directly to wean-to-finish pigs
  • MaxiFicient™ Boost GF, a novel combination of 25-OH-D3 and triterpenoids that supports lean muscle gain, is a new feed solution that is effective in low Ca and P diets containing phytase for supporting muscle growth, improving growth performance and maintaining vitamin D3 status in fatteners


Today’s pigs grow faster, are leaner, eat less and reach heavier market weights than their predecessors.

These high-performance fatteners need precise nutrition to reach their full genetic potential, for two main reasons:

  1. Modern breeds have a greater demand for phosphorus (P) to support lean muscle and bone.
  2. Today’s pigs are continuously exposed to pathogens and immune-stimulating antigens (such as vaccines, ammonia and others) that can negatively impact on productivity. This is because pigs adapt by repartitioning nutrients away from growth towards immunity.

On the other hand, there is progressive societal pressure to mitigate the environmental impact of livestock – to reduce antibiotic usage, decrease gas emissions and reduce nutrient waste – at the same time as increasing animal welfare conditions. These factors highlight a need for nutritional programs that support optimal nutrient allocation to muscle deposition, immune competency and bone health – a concept known as adaptive functional nutrition.

This article focuses on the scientific basis of skeletal muscle growth in fatteners and the importance of tailored nutrition for lean muscle deposition. Nutritional strategies that influence skeletal muscle growth are presented, including how a new dsm-firmenich feed solution comprising vitamin D in the form of 25-OH-D3 combined with triterpenoids (MaxiFicient™ Boost GF) can support skeletal muscle growth.

Skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle development (myogenesis) begins in the prenatal phase as embryonic myogenesis. This defines the number of primary myofibers that are available for postnatal muscle development.

Both pre- and postnatal myogenesis are influenced by specific genes whose expression regulates both the number and size of available myofibers and therefore affects muscle mass. Protein turnover in muscle is a key regulator of muscle mass and is itself regulated by specific genes, including genes involved in the MTOR pathway1. Maintaining a favorable balance between muscle protein synthesis and breakdown to promote protein deposition is vital for promoting skeletal muscle growth.

Factors that affect muscle deposition

1. Genetics

As mentioned above, one of the main factors affecting muscle deposition is genetics. In the Large White pig population (Figure 1), there has been a strong genetic trend between 1969 and 2015 for increased leanness (+13%), increased growth rate (+200 g/d), reduced feed conversion ratio (-0.6 points) and reduced backfat thickness (-5 mm)2.

Figure 1. Genetic trends within the White Pig population between 1969 and 2015. Silahi, 2017

Alongside these trends, limitations on nitrogen (N) retention have reduced, with <40% of N being retained by fatteners in 19993 compared with an estimated 56% for high breeding/lean genotype pigs in 20213.

2. Gender

Protein and muscle deposition are also influenced by gender. Less so in young pigs (< 20 kg) but above this weight both the size of muscle fibers and amount of protein deposited per day are higher in intact males than in gilts or barrows4. This is largely due to the effects of testosterone which promotes muscle protein synthesis5.

3. Birth weight

Low birthweight piglets have a lower number of primary muscle fibers6 resulting in lower prenatal muscle cell proliferation, differentiation and protein accretion during myogenesis. On the other hand, they have faster muscle fiber growth7. However, this is not necessarily advantageous because it can be associated with reduced meat quality8.

4. Health status

Poor health status, for example following an immune challenge, reduces feed intake and alters protein and energy metabolism. Cytokines involved in muscle breakdown (catabolism) are upregulated whilst those involved in muscle synthesis (anabolism) are downregulated9. As a result, nutrients are redirected away from muscle growth towards the immune response, affecting growth performance.

Nutritional strategies for promoting skeletal muscle growth

Nutritional strategies for promoting skeletal muscle growth need to take account of the above-mentioned changes in the growth profile of fatteners (increased feed efficiency and carcass leanness), because this has consequences for nutrient requirements.

This includes the change in amino acid requirements. There has been a delay in the point at which the genetic potential for maximum daily protein deposition (Pdmax) is reached, which now typically occurs beyond 70 kg body weight. This means that amino acid requirements for muscle deposition are now higher during the finisher phase.

Phosphorus availability is another key nutrient for optimizing skeletal muscle development, as illustrated by the direct relationship between whole-body P and N content4. This relationship might suggest that muscle deposition could be increased by increasing dietary P. However, environmental concerns over P excretion mean that this is not an option. Instead, phytase inclusion can be used for its proven efficacy in increasing the digestibility of P10, protein and amino acids11 and enhancing growth performance. The latter includes increased muscle synthesis resulting from the upregulation of genes linked to the MTOR pathway12.

Ensuring optimal calcium (Ca) availability and balance with P is also important for optimizing skeletal muscle growth. This is because of the key role of Ca in skeletal growth and its close relationship with P in maintaining mineral homeostasis. Excess Ca can compromise P digestibility, limiting muscle and lean deposition13, but equally a reduction in total Ca or in the ratio of available Ca to P can increase bone ash but reduce bone mineralization14, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Ratios of standardized total tract digestibility (STTD) Ca:STTD P to required to maximize growth performance (muscle) or bone ash in growing-finishing pigs (generated from Stein et al. 2023)

Vitamin D is a further nutrient that can be used to optimize skeletal muscle growth. The important role of vitamin D in immunity is well described.15. However, the more recent discovery of vitamin D receptors (VDR) in skeletal muscle cells has led to research demonstrating its involvement in muscle development, strength, function and metabolism, including in protein synthesis16.

Data are still emerging but there is clear evidence that the more bioavailable form of vitamin D3 known as 25-OH-D3 (supplemented as Hy-D®) can support muscle growth both pre- and postnatally18–20:

When supplemented to sows, 25-OH-D3 (vs. vitamin D3):

  • Increases the number of muscle fibers during embryogenesis17
  • Regulates transcription factors linked to muscle growth in piglets18
  • Upregulates VDR in piglets19

When supplemented to wean-finish pigs, 25-OH-D3 (vs. vitamin D3):

  • Increases average daily gain and final body weight20
  • Regulates transcription factors linked to muscle growth20

Finally, triterpenoids that are naturally occurring plant phytochemicals may also be useful as a feed material for promoting skeletal muscle development. Triterpenoids represent an important group of > 20,000 compounds that have proven beneficial anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects21. In particular, they are used in the treatment and prevention of muscle atrophy in humans22 because they upregulate anabolism and downregulate catabolism in muscle21.

MaxiFicient™ Boost GF

dsm-firmenich have recently introduced a new feed solution for fattening swine that combines triterpenoids with 25-OH-D3 (in the form of Hy-D®) called MaxiFicient™ Boost GF. This new feed solution is illustrated in Figure 3. The product is designed to improve feed efficiency and has been shown to support skeletal muscle growth in fattener diets (with associated balancing of Ca and P).

Figure 3. MaxiFicient™ Boost GF solution

MaxiFicient™ Boost GF when added to low Ca and P diets containing phytase:

  • Increases average daily gain during grower-finisher phases and final body weight24
  • Tends to improve feed efficiency during finisher phase23
  • Maintains adequate vitamin D status for Ca and P metabolism and bone health24


Tailored nutrition for lean muscle development requires consideration of the greater amino acid requirements of today’s fatteners, and accurate balancing of phosphorus and calcium giving consideration to the contributions from phytase. Vitamin D3 supplementation as 25-OH-D3 can be a useful tool, alongside phytase, for improving muscle growth and performance. In particular, MaxiFicient™ Boost GF, a novel combination of 25-OH-D3 and triterpenoids, is effective in low Ca and P diets containing phytase in supporting muscle growth, improving growth performance and maintaining vitamin D status in fatteners.


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Published on

15 October 2024


  • Swine
  • Special Nutrients
  • Vitamins
  • Vitamin D3

About the Author

Estefania Perez Calvo PhD - EMEA Principal Scientist, Animal Nutrition and Health at dsm-firmenich

Estefania Perez Calvo, Spanish national, is EMEA Principal Scientist at dsm-frimenich Animal Nutrition and Health based in Switzerland. She holds a Veterinarian Degree and PhD in Animal Nutrition from University of Zaragoza, Spain. She joined DSM in 2013 and in her role, she is involved in innovation projects developing new feed additives for monogastric animals from inception to commercial success and investigating nutritional strategies for improved animal health and performance in a sustainable manner.


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