
Digital SalmoFan™ Testimonial: Anjana Palihawadana (Nord University)

We asked Anjana Palihawadana (Senior Engineer, Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, Nord University) a few questions about Digital SalmoFan™.


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What are the benefits in using Digital SalmoFan™?

Portable and user-friendly digital instrument compared to older Salmo fan, it doesn’t need to have a light box to perform the analysis.Fast data export capability using a mobile to standard spreadsheet. Possibility to have it in the field sampling/outdoors. Easy to charge via USB port and environment friendly.

How are you using it?

We use it for measuring the color of salmon fillets, salmon NQC via the Digital SalmoFan™ app (dsm-firmenich) downloaded to the mobile phone. The device simply connects with a smartphone via Bluetooth. Prior to analysis device calibrated and salmofan score appears on the screen after scanning the fillet.

What do you like the most of Digital SalmoFan™?

Free from individual perception biases

What is the coolest thing about it?

We can save some time exporting the data directly to a spreadsheet compared to the traditional method.

The Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture is a leading academic center in the fields of aquaculture, marine and agricultural sciences in Norway.

The faculty is an international arena for education and research that meets global challenges in food production, climate and the environment. The faculty has staff and students from more than 30 countries at campuses in Bodø and Steinkjer. Its academic areas of research include Aquaculture, Ecology, Genomics, Livestock, Production and Welfare, and Algae and Microbial Biotechnology.
