
Digital SalmoFan™ Testimonial: Fiona Strachan (University of Stirling)

We asked Fiona Strachan (Senior Technical Specialist and Safety Adviser, University of Stirling) a few questions about Digital SalmoFan™.


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What are the benefits in using Digital SalmoFan™?

It is a fast and easy way to get comparable color values of salmon fillets.

How are you using it?

To compare fillet color of salmon fed different diets and to complement data from pigment extraction. This gives a better idea of the visual representation of fillet color.

What do you like the most of Digital SalmoFan™?

Objective measurement of fillet color that can be done by various users. Small device and easy to understand app.

What is the coolest thing about it?

The idea to receive one value of color that is comparable between salmon fillets.

The Institute of Aquaculture is an international center in aquaculture and the largest of its kind in the world.

The Institute of Aquaculture lead the world in our vision to tackle global problems of food security, hunger and sustainability through aquaculture, recognized through our recent award of the Queen’s Anniversary Prize. Their international reputation for our teaching, world-class research, technological innovation and consultancy in aquaculture is well knows across the industry.
