Health Benefits & Solutions

Addressing consumer needs with health and lifestyle solutions.

Keeping the world's growing population healthy.

Whoever they are, wherever they come from, people need nutrition to live healthy, fulfilling lives. We designed our portfolio of Health Benefits & Solutions with consumer-centric data intended to help you launch products that deeply resonate with consumers, giving you an edge in the marketplace. 

Health from the Gut Solutions

Unlock the potential of the microbiome with Health from the Gut. dsm-firmenich's new, science-backed approach to gut health supports and preserves the key pillars of a healthy gut ecosystem to deliver wide-ranging health benefits.

Health Benefits & Solutions
introduction video

Health and well-being remain crucial concerns as chronic disease levels rise globally and the world population ages. dsm-firmenich’s Health Benefits & Solutions help you develop successful, innovative nutritional products that address major consumers’ health and lifestyle trends. 

Get introduced to our 16 Health Benefits & Solutions

Targeted Health Solutions

Our Targeted Health Solutions focus on specific areas of health reflecting key consumer trends. They address heart health, gut health, eye health, brain health, immunity and mobility, which are all growing concerns, especially in the context of a growing and aging world population. 

Related Articles for Targeted Health Solutions

Discover content that resonates with you. Visit talking Nutrition for more industry news, new science and insights.

Life's Essentials Solutions

Life's Essentials Solutions focus on specific health needs of men, women and children, at all stages of life.

Related Articles for Life's Essentials Solutions

Discover content that resonates with you. Visit talking Nutrition for more industry news, new science and insights.

Lifestyle Solutions

Lifestyle Solutions is a pool of solutions that address consumers’ lifestyles and healthy appearance, including weight management, healthy skin, hair and nails and the growing market of sports nutrition.  

Related Articles for Lifestyle Solutions

Discover content that resonates with you. Visit talking Nutrition for more industry news, new science and insights.

Managing Holiday Weight Gain with In-Demand Nutrients

Nutritional issues and solutions for healthy aging

People are living longer than ever before. While this is certainly a positive development, these additional years are not necessarily in good health. The concept of “healthy aging” should be a priority for public health agencies to reduce the risks associated with age-related and infectious diseases and help ensure our later years are as healthy as possible.   

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Premix Solutions

Customized blends of desired functional ingredients in one single, efficient, homogenous premix. 

Health Benefits & Solutions

Solutions to address consumers' health and lifestyle needs.

Market-ready Solutions

Streamline your product development process and get to market faster.

We're innovators in nutrition, health, and beauty. And we bring progress to life! 

Talking Nutrition

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