NL, 21 Apr 2020 9:00 CET
Dear valued supplier:
Your company and your employees are always very important to DSM. I am reaching out to you to let you know that during this global COVID-19 pandemic we want to work even more closely with you to ensure the health of our mutual business and our teams. We work together to produce products and solutions vital to the health, nutrition, and sustainable living of people across the world. I am grateful for your strong collaboration while facing challenges to work remotely, keep employees safe, find logistics capacity, and react to uncertain demand. As this crisis continues, we all need to start thinking more holistically about how we can support each other to weather this storm and be ready to come out the other side stronger and wiser.
As covid-19 has spread in recent months, the ongoing work and commitment of the heroes in DSM’s manufacturing and logistics teams – including the fantastic work of our suppliers’ employees – have made it possible to have – amongst others – food on store shelves and medical supplies in hospitals. Our worldwide presence, prior contingency planning, and the dedication of our employees and suppliers has meant we continue to fulfil these vital needs. DSM’s facilities continue to operate and have implemented strict safety and hygiene measures, such as but not limited to:
We rely on close communication about the status of your ability to keep operating and delivering to us, so that we can jointly work out ways to ensure the continuity of our mutual business. Please advise us immediately of any potential risk of disruption in supplying us materials or services.
Looking ahead, there is a lot of volatility and uncertainty in supply and demand. We will work collaboratively with you to align on price developments, ensure payment terms are consistent globally, and adjust to volume changes. Our Supply Chain Financing program remains available to eligible companies to help you receive early payment and improve cash flow. Please contact your DSM representative if you are interested.
DSM has signed the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholder Principles in the COVID Era. Under this pledge, DSM stands by its values and remains committed to paying suppliers on time. Please see our website for DSM Suppliers for more information.
On behalf of everyone at DSM, thank you for the individual efforts and collective strength you are showing during this difficult time. We hope that you stay safe and healthy. Together, we are an integral part of the health, nutrition, and sustainable living value chains that make a positive difference in people’s lives.
Thank you for your partnership and collaboration on solutions to keep our mutual business thriving.
Bright regards,
Martha Buffington
Chief Procurement Officer